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Why Sunblock and Fishing Go Hand in Hand

As an avid angler, spending long hours out on the water is likely a common occurrence. However, prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can lead to skin damage, including skin cancer. This is why sunblock is an essential tool for any angler and it goes hand in hand while fishing for that big bite.

SPF Level : What to Consider When Selecting Sunblock for Fishing

When selecting sunblock for fishing, it’s important to consider factors such as SPF level, water resistance, and broad-spectrum protection. SPF level, or Sun Protection Factor, measures how much UVB radiation a sunscreen can filter. Choosing a sunblock with an SPF of at least 30 is recommended, as it provides adequate protection against UVB rays. However, it’s also important to consider the type of sunscreen you’re using.

Sunblock Types:

“Physical sunscreens, such as those containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, are ideal for anglers who are out on the water for long periods of time, The Skin Cancer Foundation states. “They are less likely to wear off or be affected by water and sweat, providing more reliable protection.”

Reapplying Sunblock: Key Steps to Protect Your Skin

In addition to choosing the right sunblock, reapplying it every two hours is crucial, especially if you’re fishing for an extended period or using a water-resistant sunscreen. Sunblock can wear off due to water, sweat, and other environmental factors, leaving you vulnerable to the sun’s harmful rays. Reapplication of sunscreen is key to maintaining protection from UV radiation.

Wearing Protective Clothing

Anglers can also protect themselves from the sun by wearing protective clothing. Clothes made from fabrics with a tight weave and darker colors provide better protection against UV rays. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses,and a neck gaiter can also help protect your face and neck from the sun.

Top Sunblock Products for Fishing

When it comes to selecting sunblock products for fishing, experts recommend the Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen for its broad-spectrum protection, Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen for its high SPF protection and ease of application, and Banana Boat Ultra Sport Sunscreen for its durability and sweat-resistance.

1. Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen:

When it comes to sunblock, the Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen is a top-rated product that provides broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays. Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen is a great option for anglers because it offers both UVA and UVB protection It’s also water-resistant for up to 80 minutes, making it ideal for fishing trips.

==>Check out Blue Lizard here<==

2. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen:

The Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen is a popular option that provides high SPF protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Perdro I. of KEPTI Fishing “I’m out on the water every day. The Neutrogena sunscreen is my go-to because it’s easy to apply and doesn’t leave a greasy residue.”

==> Check Out Why Pedro Likes Neutrogena<==

3. Banana Boat Ultra Sport Sunscreen:

The Banana Boat Ultra Sport Sunscreen is a popular choice among anglers due to its water-resistant formula that is designed to last up to 80 minutes. Always keep a tube of Banana Boat sunscreen in your tackle box. It’s durable, sweat-resistant, and provides the long-lasting protection needed while out on the water.”

In conclusion, taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself from the sun while fishing is essential. Sunblock, protective clothing, and reapplication of sunblock every two hours are all critical steps to take. By choosing the right sunblock and protective gear, you can enjoy your time on the water while keeping your skin safe and healthy.

What is your favorite brand of sunscreen? Please share any tips you may have for the protection from the sun?

Meet The Author

Meet Keith, a passionate angler and the author of the popular fishing blog, “Anglers Hub.” Keith grew up in a NYC where fishing wasa way of life. As he got older, Keith’s love for fishing only grew stronger, and he decided to share his knowledge and experiences with his children and  others through his blog. His son Pedro is a brand ambassador for Tsunami Tackle and S&S Bucktails two of the top brands in fishing.

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9 thoughts on “Why Sunblock and Fishing Go Hand in Hand”

  1. Spending a day next to the water fishing can be so rewarding, specially if you have a good run. But there is nothing worse than getting burnt while reeling in your catch. And even if one is wearing a hat and other protective clothing, there is always reflection off the water that one doesn’t even see. 

    So it is vitally important to wear sunblock if you don’t want to spoil your day fishing, by getting sunburnt. Choosing a sunblock with a high SPF is therefore imperative. And remember to also cover areas like the tip of your ears. Thank you for this great reminder to use sunblock when fishing. 

    1. Thank you so much and having 2 young ones at home we are constantly on them to wear sun block and the right clothing. They often forget and we are constantly checking to make sure they are safe from the sun.

  2. I agree that hours in the sun while fishing can do serious harm to the skin.  I always were a hat and a light, light colored jacket not only for sun protection but to carry all the stuff I use for fishing.  This is particularly true if I am bank or stream fishing.  To be honest, I don’t like to use rub on sun screen because it leaves a film on the lures I handle.  So, I use spray on sunscreen.  It is easy to forget how long you are in the sun when enjoying a day of fishing.  Your article is a good reminder to think about protection from the sun.

  3. This article highlights an important point about the need to protect your skin while fishing. You do a great job of explaining why sunblock is crucial for all anglers to have, regardless of how long they spend on the water. With helpful tips on how to apply sunblock and what to look for in a quality product, this article is a great resource for anyone who enjoys spending time outdoors. Thanks for sharing

  4. I have had some of the worst sunburns from being out on the boat fishing. Unfortunately, I think sunblock is one of those items that often gets forgotten when we are packing up for a fishing trip. Great article and a reminder of how important it is to protect yourself.

  5. We have a house in Lewes, Delaware and are outside constantly. We’re either at the beach hunting for shells, biking on the Lewes Junction Trail, playing tennis or just relaxing in the sun. Sunscreen is vital for everyone who loves to bask in the sun.

    I imagine the sun is more intense when you’re out on the water fishing….lots of reflection going on!

    Your post on how to protect your skin is very worthwhile. As a child I never bothered with sunscreen, in fact my brother used to smather oil mixed with iodine onto his body to get a darker tan! We were crazy back then. Now we know how damaging the sun can be and how to protect ourselves thanks to articles like these.

    Thanks for such an informative article on how to prevent cancer and how to keep ourselves healthy and safe.


  6. Thanks for the comment, I have 2 young ones and I am constantly on them about sunblock. They also have reminded me to out it on. But it is extremely important to do so. Thanks again!!

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