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The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and its Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board (Board) have voted on an emergency measure to adjust the striped bass slot size for recreational fishermen. Starting immediately in 2023, the upper end of the slot size will be lowered to 31 inches.

This decision was made due to concerns about declining populations of striped bass along the Atlantic coast. The ASMFC conducted a recent assessment which found that the striped bass population is currently at a critically low level, with overfishing being a major contributing factor.

By reducing the upper end of the slot size, the ASMFC hopes to protect the breeding stock of striped bass and ensure the species’ long-term survival. Under the new regulations, recreational fishermen will be allowed to keep one striped bass per day measuring between 28 and 31 inches.

The ASMFC and its Board acknowledge that this is a difficult decision, but one that is necessary for the conservation of this iconic species. The Board also encourages all fishermen to comply with the new regulations and help protect the future of striped bass.

This emergency measure is only a temporary solution while the ASMFC develops a long-term management plan for striped bass. Stay tuned for updates on this ongoing effort to protect this valuable fishery.

STAY TUNED we belive that thsi go into efeect May 11, 2023!!

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